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Day of Reckoning (Dawn of Rebellion Series Book 2) Page 11
Day of Reckoning (Dawn of Rebellion Series Book 2) Read online
Page 11
“There’s always something we can do,” I say stubbornly.
“Okay, well, first you need to make sure you’re there when the rebels take down Texas. It’s the only way to save anyone. That means you have to pass the soldier entrance exam,” he says.
“Yeah, I can do that,” I say even though I’m not sure that’s true. Before I even think it, Jeremy says the one thing that could get in my way.
“You’re going to need to learn to shoot a gun.”
Chapter 40: Gabby
I race Jeremy up the ropes again and again. I win every time which is strange because he always beats me. He’s just not into it this morning.
“What’s wrong with you?” I ask.
“Nothing,” he responds. I don’t believe him.
“Stop lying to me,” I snap. “You’re slow and weak this morning.”
“Well thanks.” He grabs his towel and wipes his face.
“I’m not trying to be a bitch, I just won’t coddle you,” I say. I won’t lie to make someone feel better.
“I just don’t feel like training today.” He grabs his water bottle and is about to leave when Dawn joins us.
“Hey guys,” she says. I narrow my eyes because she still isn’t talking to me.
“What do you want?” I ask my mood turning from bad to worse. She doesn’t flinch at my barb but looks at Jeremy instead.
“You up for teaching me how to shoot?” she asks.
“Sure.” They walk away without a backwards glance. Shite, what a pair of gits. I don’t know what’s going on with the two of them but I don’t care right now. I have my own secrets from Dawn. I leave the training room and grab a couple lunches from the cafeteria. Balancing a tray on each hand, I find my way to my mother’s office. She looks up as I walk in.
“I thought you might want some lunch,” I say, putting the trays on her desk.
“I’m not hungry.” She looks back at the papers she’s working on. When I don’t leave she says, “Would you like to have a seat?” I sit across from her and study her face. When she finally looks up again I have picked out three features of hers that I have.
“What?” she asks obviously annoyed.
“I have your ears,” I say. She sighs.
“If you’re looking for a mother, look somewhere else,” she states.
“I don’t need a mother. I’ve done just fine taking care of myself and Dawn, no thanks to you.” I try to sting her but it doesn’t work.
“If you’re trying to hurt me, don’t bother. I hurt myself when I gave you up but I’m over it now. This cause is the only thing that matters to me now,” she says.
“Point taken.” I get why she wouldn’t want to be my mother but Dawn is like the perfect child. Any mother would love to claim her. I lean back in my chair. “So, when are you going to tell Dawn?” I ask.
“In time,” she answers. “I’ve got to say, I’m surprised that you haven’t told her already.”
“Dawn doesn’t want me to tell her anything right now.” I say it and instantly know it’s true. It’s not me keeping us apart, it’s her. I wish I had my sister to talk through all of these emotions with. Our mother is back from the dead and I can’t even tell her. She’s too focused on the damaged part of me. The part of me that changed because of what was done to me in Floridaland and Texas. The part of me that is angry.
“You might want to make up with her before we head for Texas,” she says. “I have a feeling that you are going to pass your test and she is not; just a tip. Now, I have lots of work to do. Please shut the door on your way out.” I get up to leave and almost dare to say something kind, to reach out, but I don't. Apparently the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Chapter 41: Dawn
“Your feet need to be shoulder width apart and point your toes at the target. Square your shoulders and stagger one foot behind the other,” Jeremy instructs as he positions me.
“The target looks like a real person,” I hesitate.
“But it’s not. In the shooting section of the tests you’ll need to hit the heart at least once and each of the other five bullets needs to at least be on the body. Here.” He hands me a rifle. I hold it away from myself as though it will bite. Jeremy uses his to show me how to hold it. “Put the butt high on your chest and grab the pistol grip in the V of your hand.” I do as he tells me. “Now, take your other hand and grip the hand guard, about midway down the rifle.”
“I don’t like this,” I say. I didn’t mean for him to hear me but he says,
“I know you don’t but it needs to be done. Press your cheek firmly here.” He reaches over and taps a part of the gun that he calls the stock. “Okay, now aim at the target and align it with this here.” He points to a piece on the top of the gun. “Now, squeeze the trigger.” I do but nothing happens.
“It didn’t shoot,” I say.
“You need to squeeze it harder. Don’t stop until it fires,” he explains patiently. I feel the gun press hard into my chest as a bullet explodes free. “Shite!” It misses the target completely. I lower the gun and rub my chest. I’ll probably have a bruise there tomorrow.
“I missed,” I state.
“That’s okay,” Jeremy says. “It’ll take practice.” It takes me over an hour before I even hit the border of the target. Jeremy, of course, hits it every time. He already passed the test so he must be pretty good. We give up around dinner time. My arms are aching and I still can’t believe I’ve been shooting a gun all day. I hope I never have to actually use one for real.
Gabby sees us walk into the cafeteria together and goes off in a huff. Jeremy goes after her so I find Drew and Lee to eat my stew with. They’re sweaty and knackered from training but they smile as I sit down.
“Where have you been all day?” Lee asks. “I was looking for you at lunch.”
“Around,” I say, taking a bite of food. “This is good.” I deliberately avoid Lee’s question because I don’t want them to know I’ve been in the shooting range all day. Only Jeremy will understand why I’m doing it. For some reason, I don’t think Lee and Drew would be against the bombing of Texas. Lee is practical and getting rid of an enemy will make sense to him. They messed Drew up pretty bad and I’m sure he would like nothing more than to turn the cities to shambles. They don’t seem put off by my avoidance. Instead, the conversation turns to some meeting that has been called for tonight.
“Do you have any idea what it’s about?” Drew asks Lee.
“They haven’t told us, but everyone who lives in the rebel compound is expected to attend. That means you two as well,” Lee responds.
“I didn’t hear about this,” I say. “When is it?”
“In just a few minutes,” he answers. As if on cue, Jonathan Clarke walks into the cafeteria. He is wearing a headset so that we can all hear him.
“Hello everyone,” he says. Every soldier in the room stands and salutes before he continues. “At ease soldiers. We have lots to talk about.” Gabby and Jeremy slide into chairs at our tables and I look around to make sure no one saw them come in late.
“First, we must discuss Texas. Their soldiers have been coming as close to our base as they can without trespassing and alerting our patrols. It's been going on for months and continues to be more of a problem. They are acting on orders from the woman they call a prophet. The power she holds over her people is incredible.” His eyes gleam with envy as he continues. “Most of you are religious people. Well, their “prophet” has them believing us to be heathens. She is an abomination to the faith and something needs to be done. For God and for the cause!” The quiet erupts into applause and cheers. People here are hungry for a fight. It's what they've been training for. Their enthusiasm scares me.
“Since this is the first all rebel meeting since her arrival, I would like to introduce you all to my new second in command, Officer Miranda Edwards.” A stern looking woman comes into the room. “Officer Edwards was sent here from London to aid us. Some of you may have met her in the mon
th since she arrived but she has been very busy in the command rooms.” He pauses and a cruel grin spreads across his face. “She is also the mother of two of our newcomers.” Officer Edwards gives Jonathan a sharp look and he just keeps on smiling. “It’s past time,” he says. “Gabby and Dawn will soon be taking the military test but don’t worry, they will not get preferential treatment.” I look around and see eyes everywhere, staring in my direction. I feel the heat rise up my neck and spread across my face and my palms sweat as I look at Gabby. As soon as I take in her calm demeanor, I realize that she already knew. She knew the secret that could change everything and she didn’t tell me.
My head is spinning. My mother is alive. My mother is here. My mother is watching me. Where has she been all this time while Gabby and I were eating scraps and living in squalor? Where was she? Do she and Gabby distrust me that much that they would keep this from me?
“That brings us to the next topic.” Jonathan has moved on but I can’t. I vaguely hear him tell us that the next test is in two weeks. I feel Drew’s arm around my shoulders and Lee reaches across the table to grab my hand. I glare at my sister. How could she? No matter how strained our relationship is right now, she is still my big sister. I’m supposed to be able to trust her. This is bollocks.
When I can’t sit still any longer, I shoot to my feet and dart around tables and out of the room.
Once I reach the quiet hallway, I put a hand on the wall to steady myself and squeeze my eyes shut. Tears force themselves through and soon my chest is heaving with sobs. I hear footsteps behind me and whip around.
“Dawn,” Gabby says quietly. At least she has the good sense to sound contrite.
“Get away from me,” I snarl, pushing past her. She grabs my arm to stop me but I yank it free.
“Are you okay?” she asks. What a daft question.
“No, I’m not okay.” I turn to face her. “My mother is alive and my sister didn’t care enough to tell me.”
“I’m sorry, alright?” There is venom in her words. “I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
“Understand what?” I demand.
“She’s not the bad guy, Dawn,” she whispers.
“So you’re defending her now?” I accuse. “That’s just great Gabby. Go ahead and forgive her for leaving us, but I will never understand and I am glad for that.” I try to walk away without any more confrontation but Gabby stops me again.
“She did it for the rebels; for something she believes in.” Gabby’s voice scares me. She is starting to sound like so many of the people here. I don’t trust them and I don't know if I can trust her anymore.
“Anything for a cause, right?” I snap. “That’s not how life should work.”
“Then tell me, since you seem to know everything, how does it work?” she asks. I don’t respond at first, we just stare at each other in a standoff. I move closer to her so that I am right in her face.
“Do you want me to tell you about these people that you follow so blindly?” I ask, not expecting an answer before I continue. “They are building bombs to use on innocent people in Texas.”
“Innocent,” she scoffs. “How are any of them innocent?”
“Wow.” I step back and massage my temples to stave of the oncoming headache. “You actually believe all this bull shite, don’t you?”
“And you actually think you’re above it all, right?” she responds.
“Gabby, most of those people have done nothing wrong. Why should they pay for their governments' crimes?” I ask calmly.
“You don’t get it!” she screams. “They all deserve what’s coming. They choose to follow their prophet.”
“You really think they choose it?” I am yelling now too. “They're brainwashed; sheep. There is no choice involved.”
“You really are daft. You know that? You didn't have to experience their cruelty first hand. You have never been held prisoner. You have never been beaten and starved. You don’t know what it’s like to live with that.”
“So, that’s what this is about? Payback?” I ask. “If we act like this, how are we any different from them?”
“We have a just cause,” she answers.
“I’ll bet they think they do too.” The meeting must be over because we’ve attracted an audience. Gabby sees the crowd and leans in to whisper,
“I’m going to do this, Dawn. Nothing will stop me.” She backs away.
“There is no coming back from this,” I yell after her.
“Maybe that’s the point.” She throws her arms in the air. “Maybe the Gabby you knew died when they put her in that hot box in Floridaland.”
Chapter 42: Miranda
“How could you do that?” I demand as Jonathan and I walk back to command.
“It was time,” he states simply.
“I was handling it,” I say.
“Actually, you weren’t,” he responds. “If we are to move forward with our plans, everything needs to be out on the table. Let’s be frank,” he pauses, “Dawn is not exactly the type of soldier that we want representing us in Texas.”
“If she passes the test, you have to make her a soldier. There is no way around that,” I state plainly.
“Yes, but there are ways to keep her from being able to perform her duties.” I look at him as if he has just sprouted a second head. This man scares me.
“Jonathan,” I say, “do you even know what you’re saying?”
“She does not believe in our purpose. I’m sorry; I know she is your daughter.” He looks away.
“Correction, she was my daughter a long time ago. Now she is just a girl who shares my DNA; a girl that could make things difficult for us,” I say without emotion. I don’t see myself in that girl at all. She is weak. She lets her feelings get in the way and she will never be able to do what is necessary. If anything, she is a hindrance to the cause. But I still don’t want anything to happen to her. I feel… protective.
“If she passes the test, I will take steps.”
“Please don’t do anything rash,” I beg. I know he will do what he wants. I haven’t been here long, but I already know how Jonathan tends to deal with “problem” soldiers. I need to do something.
As soon as I am alone once again in my office, I power on my computer and begin to speak. The words show up on the screen as I say them. When I feel confident in the letter, I tell it to print. Now I just need a messenger that I can trust. If this letter falls into the wrong hands, I am completely buggered. If it doesn't reach the right person, the rebels might be screwed as well.
Chapter 43: Gabby
The sound of bullets bursting through the air fills the room. I find that the shooting range calms me. It puts my mind at ease. I am able to release the anger that is constantly boiling inside of me. I hit the heart once again and go to get some more ammo. I have been in here for hours, hiding out from the rest of the world.
Our assault on Texas cannot come soon enough. There are three walled cities. We are going to hit all of them simultaneously. I didn’t think we’d have the manpower for that but Miranda says that we don’t need the numbers when we have the bombs. She seemed like she was trying to convince herself of that as much as me. The plan is set but we are waiting until after the tests are administered. Like me, there are a number of people chomping at the bit to be a part of the assaults who have yet to gain soldier status.
There is no doubt in my mind that I will pass. I don’t know about Dawn though. I don’t even know why she’s trying. She obviously doesn’t want to be a part of this. I wish I could make her see that I have to do this; that it’s the right thing to do. Those people deserve what’s coming to them.
Miranda explained to me how the Texans have too much consolidated power and they are growing restless. The fear is that they will come for us and we have no chance against their army. That's why the plan has been moved up. Currently, the majority of the Texan forces are concentrated on keeping the Mexicans at bay. If we hit them before they can bring enough troop
s home, we can crush them.
“Gabby,” Drew is yelling to me. I hadn’t seen him and Lee walk in. I remove my head gear to hear them better.
“Hey guys,” I say.
“How long have you been in here?” Lee asks, eying my target and all of its holes.
“A while,” I say.
“We came to find you,” Drew says. “The test has been moved up.”
“To when?” I ask.
“Tomorrow,” he responds. Excitement stirs inside me.
“Does this mean the assault is happening sooner?” I whisper so as not to be overheard.
“I think so,” Lee answers before asking us, “are you two ready for the test?”
“More ready than ever,” I say.
“Definitely,” Drew grins. I knew he would feel the same way as me. Lee is eager for the fight as well. I told him all about the labs and he is passionate about destroying them. Jeremy is another story. I thought he would want to take down Texas and then the British army. He suffered in that slave camp more than anyone. He was born there. His sister died there. He almost died there.
I think about his sister Claire all the time. She would still be with us if she had any medical care. Sweet Claire. Jeremy won't talk about her. I don't get it. She was his only family but it hurts him too much to think about her. Whenever I think about her, it only fuels my fire. One day, I will get revenge for her.
I follow Drew and Lee to training room A for some last minute combat practice. The test will consist of three parts. The first section is the easiest for me; weapons. That’s where we put together our weapons and then shoot them. The second part is hand to hand. Third is the psych test. We have to prove that we can handle everything that comes with being a soldier. I’m not worried. I was born for this.
I don’t see Dawn all day until we finally stop training for dinner. She looks up briefly as I sit down at the table and then focuses on her stew. She doesn’t say a word until Drew and Jeremy sit down.